“Luckily for him, and unlike many of his Cuban contemporaries, Lago's work enjoys silence, retreat, the cult of a subjectivity that is handled -with extreme license- by childhood imaginaries, inclined, without doubt, to a certain polymorphic perversity. These are pieces that articulate a story of infinite insinuations where words are useless but the doors are open to other possible worlds”
“Lago is the synthesis of the fine, subtle artist ... Debtor of a strange humanism that is neither centrist nor peripheral; his work is by far an exercise of reconciliation between the opposites”
Andres Isaac Santana . Art critic and curator.
"Lucid Waters, travel through a world where the dreamlike and the spiritual complement each other, causing, in those who observe them, a resonance born of the artist's own experiences and concerns. These works refer us to old arcana, to unsolved mysteries, to eternal riddles. There is nothing definitive in them, everything is in motion, in permanent dynamics. Nothing, after all, is what it seems to be. Shapes, colors are transmuted and compacted as an image to always leave us on the threshold, in the questions"
Sergio Andricain, Journalist and author.
"Lago nurtures his art from sources as diverse as his own education. Naturally inquisitive, expansive and questioning, this artist left behind the world of science to conceive directions towards the philosophical and transcendent in his art, all with a very personal vision endowed with a delicate integrity. This is the substrate on which his art flourishes, the perceptual lens from which his universe seems to emerge in the form of what he calls "non-linear parables of existence." Each of his works can be seen as part of a more complex and comprehensive construction"
Alice Kouris, Philology scholar and visual artist.
“Lago is the synthesis of the fine, subtle artist ... Debtor of a strange humanism that is neither centrist nor peripheral; his work is by far an exercise of reconciliation between the opposites”
Andres Isaac Santana . Art critic and curator.
"Lucid Waters, travel through a world where the dreamlike and the spiritual complement each other, causing, in those who observe them, a resonance born of the artist's own experiences and concerns. These works refer us to old arcana, to unsolved mysteries, to eternal riddles. There is nothing definitive in them, everything is in motion, in permanent dynamics. Nothing, after all, is what it seems to be. Shapes, colors are transmuted and compacted as an image to always leave us on the threshold, in the questions"
Sergio Andricain, Journalist and author.
"Lago nurtures his art from sources as diverse as his own education. Naturally inquisitive, expansive and questioning, this artist left behind the world of science to conceive directions towards the philosophical and transcendent in his art, all with a very personal vision endowed with a delicate integrity. This is the substrate on which his art flourishes, the perceptual lens from which his universe seems to emerge in the form of what he calls "non-linear parables of existence." Each of his works can be seen as part of a more complex and comprehensive construction"
Alice Kouris, Philology scholar and visual artist.